
SC2023 Recommendations

New Rec No. Region Recommendation Name (Main - Entry Information) Recommendation Description (maximum of 75 words)
Increase focus on attracting new members outside of traditional fields
IEEE membership in R1-6 continues to decline endangering the sustainability of IEEE in the US. Even though the IEEE fields of interest were expanded many years ago, little progress has been made to diversify our membership. This recommendation seeks to drive actions to broaden the range of our products and services to all IEEE fields of interest and in concert launch membership recruitment campaigns to attract new members from these segments.
Provide continuing incentives to volunteers
IEEE needs to provide more incentives to increase the number of volunteers. These incentives would contribute to recognizing volunteers’ value and time investment. Incentive examples: IEEE to send letters to employers recognizing their employees' service to the profession, IEEE to provide free membership for the years of volunteer service, IEEE to provide a plaque stating the IEEE years of service, IEEE Badge for LinkedIn profile, IEEE to provide a swag bag with IEEE items.
Provide support, education and processes for working with Student Chapters & building relationships with Sections
The exact relationship between student branches, faculty advisors, and sections is unclear. This has led to some student branches that use the IEEE name but have no official affiliation with the IEEE. Furthermore, the path to officially tie these student branches to the IEEE and local sections is unclear.
New Officer Planning Email
Each year, following the election of new officers, an annual planning guide email should be sent to new officers. The email would explain the steps new officers must take and offer up generally applicable guide activities to support a healthy section.
Role-based IEEE-ID access-controlled storage and management of OU information and documents
Section and Region OUs have ongoing needs for secure, IEEE-ID authenticated role-controlled storage and management of active and archival information and documents to reduce inconsistent, insecure solutions currently in use. While full requirements need to be gathered, this goes beyond simple file storage, and could potentially be addressed with role-authenticated Wiki-type functionality to organize information and track history changes, perhaps through enhancements to Collabratec.
Publish a database of answers to “Why IEEE?”
Everyone has a different reason to join or renew their IEEE membership. Create a database of testimonials of why members join and continue their IEEE memberships. This database would also let us better understand the value proposition of IEEE to a general audience.
To establish more links, resources, and best practices between the IEEE Regions
To promote more resources for collaboration between the IEEE Regions. As for example arranging cross-regional activities, providing better exposure, and allocating funds to support them. To publish best practices and lessons learned on many of the IEEE activities on a regional level and make it available to other Regions. This way, the best practices can be adopted, lessons learned from other Regions Section isolation can be avoided.
Improve engagement and communication between Societies and Geographic Units to create fruitful benefits for members
Chapters and Sections are not working close enough. Chapters are missing from Section activities and not being represented in Section OpComs. Not all Sections, Regions, Societies are aware of Chapters activities, creation of a kind of "chapter dashboard" in OU Analytics to support chapters - Section/Region/MGA/Societies. Communication needs to be improved with trainings at the regional level uniting Membership Development and Chapter Coordination.
IEEE Loyalty Program
IEEE would implement a Loyalty Program that recognizes each year or 5 or 10 years the fidelity of Professional Members with a free membership to any Technical Society. IEEE has all the information of years and could implement it automatically with global impact on Members and retention.
Volunteer Dashboard
Create dashboards landing page for Section volunteers in a single place to have access to common resources including training (or provide training index).
Membership Value
Create and provide an annual benefit briefing to communicate to their stakeholders (or groups). Show early member benefits to recent graduates through better communication of personal, technical, and leadership opportunities to make an impact. Increase IEEE membership benefits and values to young Members as they progress through their career.
Continuous Education in the IEEE professional field
Partner with other professional organizations for continuing education. This could include training and courses that lead to credentials such as digital badges, certificates and professional development units or hours. Collaboration with others can promote the IEEE brand and expand the influence of IEEE among professional organizations and their members. Integration and awareness with larger organizations will also serve to benefit IEEE members as credentials receive wider recognition.